16 February 2010

My first post...beer!

Sooo here we are, my first post.  My apologies but it's not actually about beer.  In skydiving, whenever you do or have a first (first malfunction, first 100 jumps, first kiss in freefall, etc etc) you have to buy a case of beer for the dropzone.  This is a universal truth in skydiving and after you buy your first few cases of beer you start to learn that whenever you say "that was the first time I did 'blank'" it will shortly be followed by a chorus of "beer!!" from all the skydivers within earshot.  Of course, all alcohol is consumed post skydiving for obvious safety reasons!  Lucky for me, I am not skydiving at the moment and can enjoy this glass of wine as I write my first post instead.  Still, as a skydiver, I could not help but shout it out when I caught myself saying "My first post."  Good times.

If you have read my "about me" then you already know I'm a great starter but a not so great finisher.  Then it should come as no surprise that even though I was VERY excited to get started on setting up my blog (a task I know very little about) last night...that I woke up this morning thinking "ugh, there is no way I'm brave enough, creative enough, or interesting enough to keep this blog up."  Well I'm sorry to tell you this Mrs Self-Doubtfire but I am bound and determined to do this.  I'm brave and creative and interesting enough to keep myself entertained a few hours each week writing this blog and that's good enough for me, for now!

Right now, my goal is to finish the things I start out to do.  I am very good at this at work.  I often fail at this at home.  I'm not setting out to invent my own new and crafty ideas just yet.  First I need to lean on my blogs o'inspiration to show me all the beautiful examples of what I could be making.  I guess that means I plan to copy...in my own way.  They say imitation is the best form of flattery, right!  I know there are other women out there like me that want to 'make stuff' but don't have ideas of their own or the confidence to try to make their own designs.  This blog's for you ladies!  Enjoy.

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